Tuesday 7 December 2010

Forgiveness: Strength or Weakness?

Forgiveness is a Redemption

     Forgiveness...I’m not religious in any sense of the word but when we refer to forgiveness it’s only natural that one of the 1st things that springs to mind is the image of Christ on the cross, tormented by his persecutors, and yet he has the strength to forgive them for their malicious actions – “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” he says. An unrealistic prospect for any individual placed in that position. Is it a result of faith that one man could have the mental fortitude to do such a thing? Is it supposedly a power brought forth from the realm of divinity? I strain my mind to understand the concept of forgiving someone who has purposefully or not brought harm to me, emotional or otherwise. Especially one that does not ask, seek or want it. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”(-Mahatma Gandhi)...but where does one find that strength?
     On the other hand, is there a limit after which forgiveness becomes a weakness? So overwhelmed by insecurities and fear of losing a person from your life, you’re willing to sacrifice yourself and your ideals, to forgive time and time again, no matter what... I am guilty of having been this person. Tremendously conflicted as to the intentions of the people who hurt you, it turns out to be somewhat easier to offer the benefit of the doubt rather than be taken in by the general cynicism that pervades modern society. Is this truly forgiveness though? Subjective notions are always harder to define. Turning a blind eye because we do not feel strong enough to deal with the repercussions of confrontation and loss seems more like an act of desperation, of weakness.
      It’s a fine line to tread on; a constant inner struggle between right and wrong, between your pride and humility, a choice whether to forgive, and a battle to prove to yourself that your choice was not an act of weakness.
...perhaps in the end it comes down to how you define forgiveness, the greatest misconception about it being the belief that forgiving an offense means that you condone it. It is a redemption; an escape from your demons, breaking the chains of bitterness that bind you, and allowing yourself to live again.   

Photo credit: "Redemption" by Andrew
Original photo found here 

A nice read on the subject, albeit slightly longer, may be found here
I do not agree with all that is said but it is an interesting read and was a source of inspiration for this post.